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scope has several built-in commands that most engineers will use:

  • doctor - Run checks that will "checkup" your machine
  • report - Generate a bug report based from a command
  • analyze - Analyze configuration and print validation messages

Beyond the built-in command, scope will also run any binary prefixed with scope-.

Additionally, there is list that will output all the found configuration.

Here is an example output of scope list run from the examples/ directory.

 INFO Found Resources
INFO Name Description Path
INFO - ScopeDoctorCheck/path-exists-fix-in-scope-dir Check your shell for basic functionality .scope/doctor-check-fix-in-scope.yaml
INFO - ScopeDoctorGroup/group-1 Check your shell for basic functionality .scope/doctor-group-1.yaml
INFO - ScopeDoctorGroup/path-exists Check your shell for basic functionality .scope/doctor-group-path-exists.yaml
INFO - ScopeDoctorGroup/path-exists-fix-in-scope-dir Check your shell for basic functionality .scope/doctor-group-in-scope-dir.yaml
INFO - ScopeDoctorGroup/setup You need to run bin/setup .scope/doctor-group-setup.yaml
INFO - ScopeKnownError/error-exists Check if the word error is in the logs .scope/known-error.yaml
INFO - ScopeReportLocation/github Description not provided .scope/report.yaml
INFO - ScopeReportLocation/report Description not provided .scope/report.yaml
INFO Commands
INFO Name Description
INFO - analyze Analyze logs, output, etc for known errors
INFO - bar External sub-command, run `scope bar` for help
INFO - doctor Run checks that will "checkup" your machine
INFO - foo External sub-command, run `scope foo` for help
INFO - intercept External sub-command, run `scope intercept` for help
INFO - list List the found config files, and resources detected
INFO - report Generate a bug report based from a command that was ran
INFO - version Print version info and exit

Under the Commands section, notice two additional commands:

  • bar which is located in .scope/bin/scope-bar
  • foo which is a binary on the PATH

Scope automatically adds .scope/bin to the path when searching. Allowing teams to add commands to scope in large repos. For example, in a mono-repo with multiple services, you may want to add a deploy command. The deploy command would come from the working dir.